Look at the picture on your Web site.

- A: A ship is about to leave the Dock.
- B: They are drawing a ship on to a pier.
- C: A ship is about to launch after the ceremony.
- D: A ship is cutting her way through the river.
Answer D
Explanation 解説
- A: A ship is about to leave the Dock.
#1 be about to +動詞の原形=今まさに〜しようとしている。
#2 Dock(名詞):岸壁 (自動詞):埠頭につく (他動詞):埠頭につける
- B: They are drawing a ship on to a pier.
#1Be動詞+ing=現在進行形 今〜している
#2 draw on to 引き上げる draw は様々な意味のある曲者動詞です。契約書を作成する→draw a contract
- C: A ship is about to launch after the ceremony.
#1launch は進水するという動詞。進水式で間も無く
船がドックから離れる様を表現。 launch は有価証券の発行という意味もあるので要注意。
- D: A ship is cutting her way through the river.
#2 cut through 船などが進む 船は女性名詞なので herを使用
Look at the picture on your web site

- (A)Several cars are parked on the street.
- (B)Several cars are mounted and left on the street.
- (C)Several cars are set on the street.
- (D)Several cars are pulled on the street.
Answer (A)
- (A)Several cars are parked on the street.
動詞 Park と紐づく前置詞は “on” で道路の駐車している。
- (B)Several cars are mounted and left on the street.
“mounted” は「またがる」という意味で自転車や馬に使われる動詞。
- (C)Several cars are set on the street.
“set on” は「けしかける・そそのかす」の意味
- (D)Several cars are pulling on the street.
“pull on” で「着る・履く」の意味
Look at the picture on your web site.

- (A)A group of dolphins are swimming.
- (B)A school of dolphins are swimming.
- (C)A series of dolphins are swimming.
- (D)A herd of dolphins are swimming.
Answer (B)
Look at the picture on your web site

- (A)He’s pressing a button.
- (B)He has a phone in his hand.
- (C)He is eating his breakfast.
- (D)He is writing something on a piece of paper.
Answer (D)
Look at the picture in your web site

- (A)Someone has laid the table.
- (B)Someone has brought up the table.
- (C)Someone has put up the table.
- (D)Someone has organized the table.
Answer (A)
アメリカでは “set the table” 大してイギリスでは ”lay the table” が一般的。
“bring up” 育てる
“put up” 掲げる・提示する・貯蔵する・宿泊させる などの意味があります
“organize” 組織化する・統制するなどの意味

i hope it helps
stephen pong
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